Sunday, December 12, 2010

weight training for speed

For many years coaches though that weight lifting for speed did not help at all, in fact, they though it slowed them down, and would make them tighter and due for more injuries. Now we find that weight lifting for speed is a really good  way to gain speed because it creates more fast twitch muscle fibers which are very important for your speed and acceleration.

Burst of speed.

A good method to gain more speed is an excersize called tow training. Tow training consists of towing a weight will in short burst of speeds for a shorter period of time. This allows you to gain more fast twich muscle fibers which are the muscles that help you sprint faster. Tow training is a great method and should be usedd by everyone that wishes to gain more speed.

Bust of speed.

Speed, Quickness, and Acceleration are all qulities for which every athlete strives because without a doubt they are the great "equalizers" of a sport. With speed makes you be able to beat the players running against you and will help you in your sport intierly. There are many different ways to help you build up your speed to help you become more advanced in what you do.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Backcountry snowboarding

This is the kind of place were master free riders go when they want to go extra big. There is no lifts, just you, a shovel, a day pack of food and a drink, and a whole lot of guts to pull it off. Then they head into the wild to become one with nature and shred natural features.
Back country snowboarding is not for the timid or the weak. It is one of the best thrills in snowboarding on the other hand because they use natural features to jib, and cruse.